Sweat Gland Removal in Hyderabad


Sweating is a natural process that regulates the body’s temperature. The sweat glands are located throughout the body, but they are most concentrated in the palms of your hands and soles of your feet. Underarm sweating can be a problem as it often makes you self-conscious, affecting your confidence. 

Some people prefer getting rid of the sweat glands, and we at Aira Clinics can help you achieve that by utilizing minimalistic axillary skin excision or selective sweat gland removal advanced treatment. Our clinic’s expertise will extend the safest methods to abate axillary sweating perpetually.

Sweat Gland Reduction in Hyderabad

Sweat gland removal is the process of removing your sweat glands. The main reason for the procedure is when the number of sweat glands in your body falls short of meeting the body’s needs.

Having minimal sweat glands will be problematic whenever you have a slight build with very little body fat because they cannot produce enough fluids to keep up with your daily activities.

However, this process can also be used as a weight loss or cosmetic enhancement method since some people believe that removing their sweat glands will help them shed weight faster than usual. The procedure is known as Hyperhidrosis, and we at Aira Clinics offer the best sweat gland reduction treatment in Hyderabad and Hyperhidrosis treatment in Hyderabad with utmost quality and safety.

Cause of Sweating

Sweating is a natural process that helps to regulate your body temperature, but many factors can trigger it. It is not a disease, but it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing that causes you to feel self-conscious in social situations or at the workplace. Sweating can also cause stress, anxiety, and embarrassment as you try to conceal the sweat stains on your clothes.

There are many causes of sweating, including:

  • Stress – This can be caused by everyday life events such as exams or family problems which trigger the release of hormones causing increased blood flow to the skin resulting in sweating
  • Anxiety – Another common cause of excessive sweating is anxiety which also triggers increased blood flow to the skin along with an increase in heat production due to increased activity in muscles responsible for perspiration (the sweat glands)

Hyperhidrosis Options

Sweat gland removal is one of the most influential and permanent ways to stop sweating. Sweating is a natural response that helps regulate body temperature. When you sweat, your body releases excess water through pores in your skin, which cools down your core temperature.

People with hyperhidrosis experience excessive sweating regularly, which can be caused by one or more factors, including genetics and hormonal imbalances. Sweat gland removal options include

Botulinum Toxin Injections

Botulinum toxin is a protein naturally produced by the body to block muscle movement. It’s also used in the form of Botox injections, Dysport, and Xeomin for cosmetic treatments. Botulinum toxin is injected into your skin using excellent needles. The treatment works by blocking signals from your nerves to muscles so they can’t move as much as usual. This means that you won’t be able to create wrinkles or move your facial muscles as often as before, reducing wrinkles on your face. Injections with Botox will help reduce sweating by blocking the nerve impulses that stimulate sweat production. The procedure takes about 15 minutes per side, with four-to-six injections per treatment area (arms/hands/feet). You may notice some side effects such as drooping eyelids or difficulty swallowing for up to three months after treatment; However, these side effects tend to wear off within three or four weeks after being administered.

Microwave Therapy

When you have sweat gland removal, your doctor inserts a special probe into each affected area. The probe emits radio frequency energy, which helps to shrink the sweat glands. This treatment works on both men and women and can be used on any body part with excessive sweating, including parts such as the Hands, feet, and face. The benefit of Microwave Therapy is that it doesn’t involve any needles or incisions with visible and immediate results.

Sweat Gland Underarm Treatment Process

Sweat gland removal is a fairly straightforward process. 

Step 1:  The doctor will inject a local anaesthetic into your skin and then make a small incision at the spot where sweat glands are located. 

Step 2: The doctor will then use two methods to remove the sweat gland – surgical excision or electrodissection.

After surgery, you may experience minor bruising and swelling around your armpits for several days. But if it’s been done correctly, there should be no pain or discomfort associated with this procedure—you should barely feel anything during it. The first visible improvement in sweat production occurs within 2 weeks of treatment. However, full results can take up to 6 months after surgery.

Why choose AIRA for Sweat Gland Treatment?

We at AIRA Clinics provide a complete solution for your hyperhidrosis. Our specialized doctors are the only ones in Hyderabad offering sweat gland removal, so be assured that we have the experience and expertise to provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan.

We use state-of-the-art technology, including infrared cameras and our radiofrequency machine, which ensures that your results will be as safe and efficient as possible.


Aira Clinics in Hyderabad offers the best Hyperhidrosis treatment with FDA-approved equipment with highly trained practitioners with qualified experience.

We use general anesthesia to perform the Hyperhidrosis treatment.

The most common side effect includes execssive sweating as most patients expereince that.

Yes, the Hyperhidrosis treatment is meant to give you permanent results.

The cost of Hyperhidrosis treatment in Hyderabad varies from clinic to clinic. However, you can reach out to us for details regarding the cost and consultations at Aira Clinics.

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Sweat Gland Removal in Hyderabad

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