Scar Removal Surgery Cost In Hyderabad


What is the Scar removal surgery cost in Hyderabad? The price of Scar removal surgery depends on the type of surgery you are looking for and the size of your Scar. Even before knowing the cost of surgery, you need to know what kind of treatment you want and need. Here you’ll find information on all aspects of getting rid of acne scars, including scar removal options, laser treatments, dermabrasion, peels, chemical peels, IPL (intense pulsed light), and many other non-invasive options. However, Laser Scare removal treatment is preferable and more effective among all these.

Laser Scar Removal

Laser scar removal surgery (LSRS) is a type of laser therapy used to remove unwanted scars from the skin without causing additional pain or damage to the healthy tissue. Laser scar removal surgery however is not advisable for everybody and would require proper professional consultation. We at Aira Clinic have the best dermatologists for Laser scar removal surgery in Hyderabad that can help diagnose and deliver the right treatment that best suits your condition and skin type.


The doctor follows a series of steps as part of the LSRS to treat and reduce the appearance of your scar.

Step 1: A topical anesthetic cream is applied to your skin to numb the area of the incident. 

Step 2: The doctor will then use a special laser that specifically targets the scar exposing the scar tissue to heat that works on making it more susceptible to leveling. 

Step 3: A scalpel is then used to gently remove the scar upon completing the laser session. 

Step 4: A topical anesthetic is applied to the area to reduce the discomfort and twinge post scar removal.  

Laser Scar Removal Surgery Cost in Hyderabad

The treatment and the cost of the laser Scar removal surgery vary from person to person based on a number of factors involving the scar. Some of the reasons considered include the size of the scar, its history, the depth of the scar, and the type of scar itself. The cost of Laser Scar Removal Surgery in Hyderabad could range from ₹4000 and may go as high as ₹30,000 per session. However, in some cases, it costs you more as well, depending on your scar. The treatment is usually conducted as sessions or sitting as advised by your dermatologist, and in most cases, the commonly 2 to 3 sessions are recommended to the clients.  

Preparation to do before the Laser Scar Treatment.

Taking the right measures and preparing yourself before the LSRS will not only help you recover in quick terms but also shield you from complications during or post-surgery. A few of the precautions you must  take before going in for the laser scar treatment are

Measures to be taken Post scar removal Surgery

Some of the measures that must be taken post surgery include

Types of Scar Removal Treatments

There are multiple alternatives to Laser Scar Removal Surgery, and one can always explore the other options to find the one that best suits your skin type.

1. Chemical Peels

In the chemical peeling process, the dermatologist takes the help of botanical and herbal medicines to cleanse and renew the skin by stimulating its natural production of collagen. The treatment helps fade pigmented scars to a great extent.

The best candidate for the Chemical peeling scar removal process?

You can choose the chemical peeling process if you are someone with minimal scars and are not willing to go in for a surgical process.

Cost of the Chemical Peels?

The cost of the chemical peels depends on the affected area of the scar. However, the chemical peel treatment cost for scars in Hyderabad ranges from Rs 2000 to Rs 10,000/- per session.

2. Micro-needling Radiofrequency (MNRF)

For the Micro-needling Radiofrequency process, a machine with tiny needles creates radiofrequency waves that works on removing the older skin and promotes the growth of healthy skin.

The best candidate for the MNRF scar removal process?

Although the process is painless, this is only effective for wrinkles and a minimal scar. So people dealing with minimal scars or wrinkle-related issues would be the ideal candidates for the MNRF treatment.

Cost of the MNRF scar removal?

The cost of the MNRF ranges from Rs 8000 to Rs 20000. However, at Aira clinic, we also provide occasional discounts, you can contact us for more details regarding the same.

3. Excision

During the Excision process, we cut out the damaged part of the affected area without injuring or tampering with the tissue. This gives healthy and glowing-looking skin and is a relatively simple procedure in an outpatient setting.

Best candidate for the Excision scar removal process?

There are no given criteria to qualify for the Excision scar removal procedure as anybody who would like to get rid of your scars can opt-in for the Excision. 

Cost of the Excision scar removal?

The cost of the Excision will cost you around Rs 10000 to Rs 25000.

I hope you have some clarity about the types of scar removal surgery you can go with. However, before taking any decision doctor’s suggestion is compulsory and recommended.

Before & After Image

FAQs about Scar Removal Surgery In Hyderabad

Yes, with the help of scar removal treatment, any kind of scar can be treated.

The affected area will be cured by 100% if you go maintain and follow all the recommended guidelines by the dermatologist.

The duration of the scar removal treatment entirely depends on the severity of the scar, size of the target area, and modality selected. However, in most cases, it takes upto 5 to 6 sessions for the treatment for the scars.

The most common side effects of laser scar removal are Redness, swelling, and irritation while bruising, minor bleeding, infection, breakouts, and scarring are some side effects you might face during the treatment.

Yes, Laser removal treatment will also help you get rid of the dark sports.

Laser scar removal is a safe and effective way to treat scars you may have developed during pregnancy, childbirth, or other accidents. It is also an excellent treatment option for those with active acne or rosacea.

Nowadays, people are very concerned about their looks, with most of them yearning for a clearer and cleaner appearance on their skin and other body parts. The scar removal surgeries affectively minimize the scars’ overall look, eventually fading them out.

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Scar Removal Surgery Cost In Hyderabad

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