Gum Pigmentation Treatment in Hyderabad

Gum Pigmentation

Gum pigmentation is a common condition that affects the teeth and gums. Gum pigmentation is also known as dentin discoloration, tetracycline staining, and tetracycline tooth discoloration. The condition occurs when the body produces extra melanin in the gums, which causes your teeth to look darker than they should be.

Gum pigmentation treatment is a cosmetic procedure that helps to lighten the discolored gums around the teeth. The build-up of melanin pigments in the gum tissue causes this problem. Gum pigmentation can be caused by aging, genetics, and even smoking or chewing tobacco products.

Gum pigmentation is not painful, but it can be embarrassing because it makes your smile appear less attractive than before. It can also cause you to feel self-conscious about smiling in front of others so that you don’t show off your discolored gums when they get brighter again!

What causes Gum Pigmentation?

Gum pigmentation is caused by cumulative damage to the gums. The color of your teeth, gums, and tongue are all directly related to your body’s ability to produce and maintain healthy cells. Damage to any one of these components can lead to discoloration.

The most common causes of gum pigmentation include:

  • Smoking – Tobacco smoke contains chemicals that discolor your gums over time.
  • Diet – Foods containing vitamin A, such as carrots, help strengthen connective tissue between layers underneath the skin which helps maintain elasticity so wrinkles won’t form easily as we age.

How do you know if you have Gum Pigmentation?

Although gum pigmentation is not life-threatening, it can be uncomfortable and unattractive. The good news is that there are effective treatment options available. You can get back your beautiful smile with the proper care and attention.

The following are some signs that may indicate you have gum pigmentation:

  • Redness, swelling, or tenderness around the gums
  • Pls, bleeding or pain when flossing or brushing your teeth
  • Yellow or brown discoloration of the gums (also known as “tattooing”)
  • Uneven gum line between healthy tissue and unhealthy tissue
  • Receding gums

Treatment for gum pigmentation in the Hyderabad

Gum pigmentation is a condition that occurs when the gums become darker and change color. It can be due to several reasons, including smoking, aging, or an underlying medical condition such as diabetes or inflammation of the gums. The most common cause of gum pigmentation is smoking — tobacco products contain harmful chemicals that affect not just your body but also your mouth and teeth.

Several treatments for gum pigmentation are available in Hyderabad, including laser surgery and non-invasive procedures like bleaching agents for removing stains from teeth. In terms of cost, laser treatment usually costs between INR 40 – 60k, while other methods like bleaching cost around INR 5000-10000 per session, depending on the severity of your case.

Getting your gum pigmentation treated by our specialist dentist

Gum pigmentation is a cosmetic issue that can make your teeth look yellow. This is caused by the buildup of certain chemicals on the surface of your gums, which can be treated with various dental procedures. If you want to reduce or eliminate gum pigmentation, speak with our specialist dentist about treatment options for this condition.

How Do You Know if You Have Gum Pigmentation?

The main symptom of gum pigmentation is yellowing in one or more areas between the teeth and gums. While it’s not generally painful or harmful, it can impact your appearance and confidence in social situations, making it essential to address promptly so that you don’t have to worry about keeping your smile hidden!

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