Dental Crowns or Bridges

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are caps placed over the teeth to restore them to their natural shape. Crowns cover weak teeth and restore them to their natural shape. If a tooth has been broken or damaged, a dental crown can be used as an alternative to a bridge or partial denture.

A dental crown can also be used as a cosmetic enhancement for your smile when you have one or more teeth that are discolored, chipped, cracked, or misshapen due to decay or injury.

Dental Bridges

A bridge is a dental restoration that replaces one or more missing teeth. It is similar to a partial denture but has the advantage of being more stable, as it spans three teeth instead of two. Bridges fill the gap between two teeth that are next to each other. They are made of porcelain fused to metal (PFM), making them stronger than full crowns and long-lasting.

Dental Implants

Implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth and are an excellent alternative to dentures. Implants are artificial roots that are inserted into your jawbone. They look like natural teeth and allow you to eat food without worrying about falling or slipping out of place.

The procedure requires two visits: the first is an extraction, where we remove all of your existing dental work (like fillings) so that nothing is holding the implant in place during attachment. During this time, we’ll also take impressions of your mouth so that we can create an artificial tooth that matches what was taken out during surgery.

The second procedure takes place after enough healing time has passed and involves attaching a dental crown onto each implant with cement; these may take longer than usual because they must adhere to both bone and metal—but it’s worth it! Once everything is secure, you’ll be able to enjoy having all of those missing teeth back again!

Dental Implants, Crowns, and Bridges difference

Dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, where they form a strong foundation for replacement teeth. Dental crowns are then placed over implants to restore the shape and function of your smile.

Dental bridges are fixed to two teeth on either side of the gap, creating a bridge that spans the space and offers an aesthetic alternative to removable partial or full dentures.

The main difference between dental implants, crowns, and bridges is their purpose:

Dentures can be used to replace lost teeth entirely but do not offer any support or retention; they must be removed before eating or cleaning your mouth. A dental bridge spans two adjacent teeth on either side of an empty space where one tooth has been lost; neighboring teeth support it at each end of its span.

A dental crown covers part or all of an existing tooth; this covering restores strength and shape and protects underlying tissue from decay.

Dental Implants, Crowns, and Bridges can help to restore your smile

Dental implants and crowns can help to restore your smile. As a dental implant, you will have a new tooth(s) in place of the one you lost. This is done by placing a titanium post into the bone, which is then attached to an artificial tooth made from porcelain or ceramic.

The post will act as an anchor for your new artificial tooth designed by a specialist dentist. Dental bridges are used when gaps between teeth are often caused by missing teeth or those knocked out because of injury or decay.

They are made up of two parts: one side with two natural teeth on either side of it; and another piece that joins these two parts using special attachments called abutments- these rest against existing teeth and hold everything in place, so it stays secure while allowing movement when eating & speaking!

Why choose Aira for Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth, but they can be an expensive investment. If you’re worried about the cost of dental implants, consider AIRA. We offer a variety of affordable dental implant solutions that let you get back to enjoying life without worrying about your smile! With our state-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques, we can help you achieve a beautiful smile again with minimal downtime.

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Dental Crowns or Bridges

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