Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Hyderabad


Wisdom teeth, the third molars, are the last teeth to come in. And sometimes they don’t come in at all. Because they’re so far back in your mouth and your jaw reaches its full size when you’re about 25 years old (though other factors can impact this), wisdom teeth often get impacted when they try to make their way through the gums. That means they become trapped and cannot erupt into the mouth properly. This can lead to infection or damage from impacted teeth, requiring them to be removed.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that emerge during puberty. The first two sets of molars (the deciduous or ‘baby’ teeth) are shed by age 6-7 and replaced with permanent teeth by age 12.

Wisdom teeth usually emerge between ages 17 and 25 as the lathe st teeth develop in the mouth. Their eruption may cause problems like impaction if they don’t fit into their sockets properly, leading to infection or tooth decay.

In some cases, wisdom teeth need removal because they’re impacted or have grown sideways out of position relative to other teeth in your mouth at an angle that causes pain or discomfort when chewing due to crowding issues with other nearby incisors (front top teeth), canines (front bottom corner) many more.

Problems caused by wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth can cause problems because they are positioned in a way that makes them difficult to clean. The space between your wisdom and other teeth is called the mesiodistal width. Keeping your wisdom teeth clean and bacteria-free may be difficult if this distance is too narrow. As a result, you may develop cavities on or around your wisdom tooth that go unnoticed until they’re so large they require treatment.

When left untreated, cavities can get deep enough to damage the jawbone and the rest of your teeth above them. This damage can cause infection within the jawbone itself or an abscess that needs draining through surgery. In some cases, if left untreated long enough (particularly in adults), these infections can spread throughout the body via blood vessels near those infected gums!

In addition, Wisdom teeth can lead to pain when biting down on food due to their position about other nearby structures such as molars; * Wisdom tooth removal may be necessary if there’s insufficient room for them inside your mouth; * Wisdom tooth extraction requires general anesthesia unless done under local anesthesia only using numbing spray applied beforehand;

Symptoms to get wisdom teeth removed

If you notice these symptoms, it is time to remove your wisdom teeth.

  • Pain
  • Drainage
  • Swelling
  • Infection
  • Bite problems (such as misalignment)
  • Crowding (more than two teeth come together at the same time)

If you have difficulties chewing or trouble opening your mouth thoroughly, it might be time to visit our dentist. You must also let us know if you are experiencing tenderness in your jaw or decreased appetite. These can be signs of soreness related to inadequately treated wisdom teeth.

Post Wisdom Tooth Removal

Swelling and pain are likely the most common symptoms after removing your wisdom teeth. The amount of swelling and discomfort will depend on several factors, including the depth of the dental implant, the type of anesthesia used during surgery, how much time has passed since your last meal before surgery (if any), and how well you take care of yourself after surgery.

The dentist or oral surgeon may recommend over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to help relieve postoperative discomfort; however, it’s essential not to take more than the directions indicate because these medications can cause adverse side effects in some people.

Suppose you’re still experiencing significant pain after taking these medications as directed by your physician/dentist/oral surgeon. In that case, they may prescribe more potent prescription-strength drugs like Vicodin, which must be taken exactly as directed to avoid overdose concerns.

It’s also important not to smoke cigarettes while recovering from wisdom teeth removal surgery since nicotine has been shown to increase the chances that inflammation will result from contact between gums’ surfaces being exposed during the smoking process.

Moreover, this can lead to potentially harmful bacteria growth, which causes infection and increases the likelihood of complications occurring later down the road when trying to remove these stubbornly placed molars from the mouth cavity where they belong.

Price for Wisdom Tooth Removal

You may be wondering how much it costs to get wisdom teeth removed. The answer depends on several factors, including where you live, your insurance coverage, and the dentist or oral surgeon performing the procedure.

However, some things are universal no matter where you live: Wisdom teeth removal isn’t cheap, and most people don’t have dental insurance that covers this type of surgery.

It’s essential for patients to know what they can expect out of pocket before planning any cosmetic procedures like this one.

The cost of wisdom tooth removal varies depending on its location. If additional work is needed due to complications associated with its extraction or placement within the jawbone to preserve healthy tissue surrounding it during the surgery time frame.

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Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Hyderabad

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