Dental Implants in Hyderabad | Treatment & Cost

Rebuild your smile with our advanced implant systems

Dental Implants in Hyderabad

Dental implants are a modern solution for missing teeth, offering a durable and natural-looking replacement. They consist of a titanium post that acts as an artificial tooth root placed into the jawbone. Over time, this post integrates with the bone, providing stable support for a crown, bridge, or denture that looks and functions like natural teeth. Dental implants are a popular choice because they improve the appearance of one’s smile and enhance chewing ability and speech, contributing to overall oral health.


What are Dental Implants?

At Aira Clinics, we understand the importance of a confident smile. Dental implants are a cornerstone of our restorative dental services, offering a surgical solution to replace missing teeth with artificial ones that closely mimic the appearance and function of natural teeth.

This procedure involves the placement of stain-resistant materials, combined with natural-looking crowns, to rejuvenate your smile and boost your self-esteem. Dental implants do more than just improve your appearance; they play a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of your face, enhancing your ability to eat and speak with ease.

Our expert surgeons carefully insert these artificial implants, which are designed to hold replacement teeth or bridges. Not only do these implants look natural, but they also avoid impacting adjacent teeth, providing unmatched stability.

The key to their success lies in osseointegration, a process where the implant fuses with the jawbone, encouraging bone formation around the implant. This fusion process ensures the implant’s longevity, making it a durable solution for tooth loss.


Why to choose us?

Advanced Machine and Facility

Our Clinic is equipped with advanced latest diagnostic equipment, treatment facilities for all types skin and hair treatment.

Skilled & Experienced Dermatologist

We have a team of experienced dermatologist, cosmetologist and Skin Specialist with vast experience.

Compassion & Affordable

We offer our patient-centric affordable treatment with compassion and a high success rate.

Comprehensive Skincare Treatment

We offer a wide range of cosmetic, hair and skin related treatment to our customers.

What should you choose - Dentures or Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a highly effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They are small, sturdy titanium posts surgically inserted into the jawbone beneath the gums. Over time, these posts fuse with the jawbone, creating a strong and stable foundation for artificial teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Getting a dental implant involves several steps, including an evaluation to ensure you’re a suitable candidate. After the surgery, there’s a healing period, during which the implant integrates with the jawbone in a process known as osseointegration.
Once this process is complete, a custom-made artificial tooth (or teeth) is attached to the implant post, restoring the appearance and function of your natural teeth.

Dental implants are favored for tooth replacements that feel and function like natural teeth. They also help preserve jawbone and facial structure, preventing the bone loss that often occurs with tooth loss. With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them an excellent investment in oral health.

What are Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are plastic trays worn over the teeth to align them. They are made of flexible, transparent plastic. They are made of a material similar to the material used to make fly zippers.

The main difference between clear aligners and metal braces is that they can be removed overnight. If you have an event or meeting, you can take them out and put them in your mouth when needed without having to worry about metal wires getting in your way!

Importance of dental implants

AIRA Clinics offers the best dental implant services in Hyderabad. Our team of highly skilled dental experts uses advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology to give you a natural and long-lasting smile.

Dental implants are artificial roots surgically placed into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. These artificial roots have threads at their tip embedded into your jawbone, just like real teeth would grow in your gum line. With time these threads fuse with your bone tissues and act like natural tooth roots for the permanent support of your replacement teeth – making them look exactly like your own natural teeth!

Dental implants are considered one of the best options for replacing missing teeth as they look and feel just like regular healthy teeth, thus giving you complete confidence when it comes to eating, talking, or laughing without any self-conscious thoughts about how others will perceive them! Furthermore, since there is no need for removable denture attachments anymore with this type of treatment method, the chances of having loose dentures or its parts falling out while eating become virtually nil as well!

Advancements in dental implant treatments

Dental implants are the most effective and long-lasting tooth replacement procedure. It helps in replacing missing teeth with a permanent solution. Dental implants are more advanced now than before, as they have been made more potent, more durable, biocompatible, and more aesthetic. The advancements in dental implant treatments include:

  • Advancements in materials used (like modern titanium alloy or stainless steel)
  • High-quality dental implants with great aesthetics that blend well with your natural teeth
  • All-on-4 treatment options are available at the same price as single-tooth implant procedures – which means greater convenience and affordability.
  • Improved bone grafting techniques to make sure that adequate bone is obtained for dental implant placement

Dental Implant Cost in Hyderabad

Dental implants can cost anywhere between Rs.25000 to Rs.50000, depending on the place and the kind of treatment you are getting done. For example, going for a single-tooth implant will cost less than having all your teeth replaced with implants. So if you are looking for a fixed dental implant cost in Hyderabad that fits your budget, then go ahead and get in touch with us or call us directly.


Dental Implants in Hyderabad

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that are surgically placed into the jawbone. They serve as a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, implants offer a more permanent and natural-looking solution, as they fuse with the jawbone.

Ideal candidates for dental implants generally have good oral health, adequate bone density in the jaw, and are in overall good health. A thorough examination by a qualified dental implant specialist in Hyderabad will help determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

The dental implant procedure typically involves multiple stages, including a consultation, implant placement surgery, and the attachment of the replacement teeth. The entire process may take several months, with the healing and integration of the implants into the jawbone being a crucial factor in determining the timeline.

Local anesthesia is used during the dental implant surgery, ensuring minimal discomfort. Post-surgery, patients may experience some swelling and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medications. The recovery period varies from person to person, but most patients can return to their regular activities within a few days.

The cost of dental implants can vary based on factors such as the number of implants needed, the complexity of the procedure, and the materials used.

Dental implants are designed to be a long-term solution, and with proper care, they can last a lifetime. Regular oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, are crucial for maintaining the health of your dental implants.

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