Best Pigmentation Treatment In Hyderabad


Pigmentation is a skin condition where dark patches appear on the skin due to the overproduction of melanin, affecting several body parts like the face, neck, and majorly the area of skin that is mostly exposed to sunlight.  Pigmentation occurs when there is an excess production of melanin in certain areas of the skin. The increased levels of production of melanin can result in pigmentation disorders ranging from freckles to age spots and melasma. It can also occur due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and excessive UV exposure. Some other factors that cause pigmentation include a poor diet, lack of sleep, stress, and medications.

Types of Pigmentation

There are two types of pigmentation Epidermal and Dermal.

  • Epidermal pigmentation appears as brown spots or patches on the outer layer of your skin. 
  • Dermal pigmentation shows up in various shades ranging from black to blue/purple to red.

Pigmentary disorders are not contagious, but they can be hereditary, which means they’re passed down through generations within families by inheriting genes that cause abnormal production of melanin in cells called melanocytes found under our skin’s surface (melanogenesis). 

When excess amounts accumulate over time, it results in discoloration that could appear anywhere on the body. Pigmentation primarily affects areas of body parts that are most exposed to direct sunlight.

Causes of Pigmentation

Some of the potential factors that cause pigmentation include –

  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy.
  • UV exposure.
  • Poor diet – A diet high in sugar, salt, red meat, and processed foods can increase skin pigmentation.
  • Lack of sleep – Sleep deprivation can increase melatonin production, which increases melanin production. Sleeping less than seven hours per night has been linked to a higher risk of developing hyperpigmentation.
  • Stress – Stress itself does not cause hyperpigmentation, but it does cause you to produce more cortisol which is then converted into melanin when exposed to UV light. This explains why stressed-out people are more prone to sunburns than their relaxed counterparts.

Pigmentation Treatment in Hyderabad

  • Post-prescription creams: The active ingredient in these creams contributes toward lightening the skin and fades dark spots to match the normal skin tone. However, the results are slow, and it can take several months to see a significant difference. In addition to its slow remedial process, this method also has a risk of rebound pigmentation (Hyperpigmentation that comes back worse than before). So, dermatological treatments are often recommended along with topical creams to achieve a brighter, lighter, pigmentation-free complexion.
  • Laser treatment: Another best way to reduce Hyperpigmentation is laser treatment. Laser treatment is a quick and easy way to treat Hyperpigmentation. Moreover, It is a non-invasive treatment that uses laser technology to treat the skin. The Laser treatment stimulates collagen production in your skin, increasing its elasticity and making it supple and youthful. It also enhances cell renewal, gradually reducing visible hyperpigmentation signs such as dark spots.
  • Laser Toning: The laser toning method is the most effective laser treatment for Hyperpigmentation. The procedure involves using a Q Switched laser to target pigmented cells in the skin. The heat from the laser breaks up melanin, which is excreted through the lymphatic system. After a series of treatments, patients will reduce Hyperpigmentation.
  • Chemical peel: Chemical peel is one of the most popular methods for treating Hyperpigmentation. The procedure involves applying a chemical solution to the skin to burn off the top layers. The new cells that form after treatment are lighter in color and help you get rid of pigmentation. This method is considered one of the most effective ways to eliminate dark spots on the face and other body parts. However, you should remember that chemical peels can cause stinging, burning, redness, and swelling for a few days after treatment.
  • Intense Pulsed light: Hyperpigmentation can also be treated by IPL photo facial, which is non-invasive light therapy. The light energy from IPL destroys the melanin-producing cells in the skin, thus leveling out the complexion. This is an essential breakthrough in treating Hyperpigmentation because it is a non-invasive procedure that does not involve chemicals or drugs. This means there are no side effects, and it is safe for all skin types. Additionally, this treatment is effective and can produce long-lasting results.
  • Microdermabrasion: It is another valuable way to exfoliate the skin by removing dead skin cells from the surface. It uses a device to spray the skin with tiny crystals that exfoliate the top layer. Microdermabrasion can improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and acne. It is important to note that this procedure should not be used on inflamed skin or active acne breakouts. This matters because it provides another option for people who want to improve their skin’s appearance without resorting to invasive procedures like lasers or chemical peels. Microdermabrasion is safe for most people and has relatively few side effects.

Reasons for Skin Pigmentation

Melanin is the skin pigment that is responsible for your skin tone color. The melanocytes produce it in the skin cells, along with a brown-black pigment called melanin. The amount of melanin in your skin determines your appearance, including eye color, hair color, and even the color of your teeth.

Pigmentation occurs when there is an excess production of melanin in certain areas of the skin. Melanin is a pigment that helps protect your body from the sun and damage caused by ultraviolet rays. It gives color to your hair, skin, and eyes. The melanocytes are cells in the top layer of your skin that produce melanin and makeup about 1% to 2% of all cells within our bodies, but they are responsible for producing about 10% – 15% of our total body weight!

Skin Pigmentation Treatment cost in Hyderabad

At AIRA, multiple skin pigmentation treatment options are available and the cost of skin pigmentation treatment in Hyderabad varies depending on the type of treatment, the severity of the condition, and the required remedy. Some treatments may require a combination of different treatments, while others may only need one procedure. So if you are looking for an effective skin pigmentation treatment, then visit our clinic today or contact us for a free no-cost consultation.

FAQs about Skin Pigmentation

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some possible methods include laser therapy, dermabrasion, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion. Consult with a dermatologist or other skin care professional to determine which way may be best for you based on your skin type and concerns.

Pigmentation is a common skin concern that can be difficult to treat. While various methods may help remove pigmentation, there is no definitive answer as to which way will work best. Consult with a dermatologist or other skin care professional to determine the best course of treatment for you based on your skin type and concerns.

Pigmentation can be removed using various methods, including laser therapy, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion.

Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition where your skin color tends to get darker than usual.

Pigmentation treatment in Hyderabad at Aira clinic is not only safe but also effective with our clients seeing significant changes and improvements in their skin condition.

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 Pigmentation Treatment In Hyderabad

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