Vampire Face Lift - Benefits | Pros & Cons | Before & After

Overview of Vampire Face Lift

The vampire facial is a popular procedure that gives skin a refreshed, healthy glow. It’s also called the plasma lift, which involves injecting your placenta-based stem cells into the skin.

The procedure uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which contains proteins and growth factors that stimulate cellular turnover and collagen production in the skin to provide long-term youthful effects. 

A Vampire Facelift is a minimally invasive procedure that rejuvenates the skin and gives it a youthful, healthy glow. In this procedure, the doctor will use your own blood to stimulate collagen production in your body. This helps boost elasticity, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and improve overall skin quality.

What is the Vampire Facelift?

The Vampire Facelift is a non-surgical procedure that uses your own blood to rejuvenate the skin. It is similar to a traditional facelift but uses your own blood instead of synthetic fillers. The vampire facial draws on an old Persian legend associated with Dracula and other vampires where they would extract the blood from their victims and drink it to attain immortality.

The process involves drawing out relatively small amounts of your own blood, which is then subjected to several tests before being re-injected into the face via tiny needles inserted under the skin during treatment sessions lasting up to two hours at a time.


Your doctor will numb the area with a local anesthetic and then make a small incision in your skin. The doctor will then inject your own blood into the subcutaneous layer of your face to stimulate collagen production. The incision is left open for about 10 minutes (but only for about 5 minutes if you have sensitive skin) and then stitched closed. After the procedure, no downtime is required so that you can go back to work or meetings immediately afterward!

Benefits of Vampire FaceLift

Results of the procedure

As you can see, the results of a vampire facelift are immediate and long-lasting. The procedure is natural and not overdone, subtle and not exaggerated, not temporary or surgical. It’s also painless and affordable!

There’s no need for surgery when you can have the same results at home with less invasive methods that don’t require anesthesia or hospital stays.

Care after the procedure

After the procedure, you will be asked to avoid strenuous exercise for at least a week. Avoid sun exposure and smoking for at least one week. Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, or other blood thinning medications for at least two weeks.

If you experience bleeding or swelling around your incision, apply cold compresses to reduce pain and swelling. If bleeding continues, contact our office immediately.

How long does it last?

The results of a vampire facelift can last up to 18 months, but this depends on the individual. Factors such as weight gain and loss, smoking, alcohol consumption, and other lifestyle factors can all affect how long you will maintain your new look. To keep your beautiful facial features longer than 18 months, you must stick to good skin care practices and maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine.

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Vampire facial Lift

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  • Skin Treatment
  • Hair Treatment
  • Dental Treatment
  • Classy Cosmetology
  • Therapies
  • Non-Surgical Facelift

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