Dentures: Types | Cost & Implant in Hyderabad


Dentures are removable appliances that replace missing teeth. They can be made of acrylic, plastic, or metal, then attached to your gums with clasps. These Dentures are artificial teeth that replace missing ones and are custom-made to fit your mouth and gums, so you can feel comfortable with how they look and feel.

Dentures come in two types: partial dentures and complete dentures. 

Full Dentures: Complete dentures are used when all natural teeth have been lost (either naturally or due to injury or dental treatments). Complete dentures also help improve speech and chewing ability, but they do not help retain bone structure in your jaw as implants do.

Partial Denture: Partial or “partial” denture refers to replacement teeth on just one side of the arch; however, this term can be confusing since most people associate “partial” with half-hearted efforts instead of a complete set of new artificial teeth!

Full Dentures Vs Partial Dentures: Which is better?

People usually choose full over partial because they enjoy having more permanent replacements for their missing chompers. You may eat more efficiently using them since you won’t need special utensils like forks explicitly designed for people who wear partials (aka “spooned”).


When you lose all of your teeth, an implant can be used to replace the missing tooth root. This helps restore bone density, increasing stability and improving comfort while wearing dentures. Dentures are also known as “fixed bridges” or “denture relines” in Hyderabad. A denture is typically made from metal alloys or acrylic resins that hold everything in place during chewing movements and speech patterns.

Many choose this option because it’s removable, easy to clean, and affordable. However, there are several drawbacks associated with this type of restoration:

  • It’s susceptible to staining; your new teeth could look dingy after eating certain foods like coffee or tea (common culprits).
  • The material makeup doesn’t always match your natural mouth tissue, so it doesn’t look like real teeth when talking about them – especially if you’re looking at someone else who has them too!
  • If they fall out accidentally, they’ve got no chance of being found again once lost due to their size alone!

Types of dentures

There are two types of dentures: complete set and partial set.

  • Complete Set – This includes every tooth in your mouth. A partial denture only covers some of your teeth, which is less expensive than full dentures.
  • Partial Set – This prosthesis replaces an entire arch or bridge with artificial teeth attached to them by clasps or hinges to the remaining natural teeth on either side. Most people seeking a partial denture will have multiple missing teeth. The entire arch will not be replaced by one appliance but by individual implants supported by three anchorage points on each side, allowing for more excellent stability during chewing and speaking.
  • Immediate dentures – This type of denture is used when a patient has lost all their teeth and needs quick replacement. Immediate dentures are not made from molds of your natural teeth; instead, they are designed to fit over the remaining gum tissue.
  • Implant-supported dentures – These types are supported by implants surgically placed into your jawbone. This type of denture is a good option for patients who have lost all their natural teeth but still have enough gum tissue to support the appliance.

Implant Supported Dentures

Your dentures will be connected to the implants by screws. The denture is then secured by a unique adhesive that uses a monocomponent resin. This resin is placed on the implant, allowing maximum durability and strength when attaching the denture to your jawbone.

There are two implant-supported dentures: conventional partial dentures and complete arch prostheses. Conventional partial dentures are used when you have an upper or lower jawbone loss, but not both sides of your mouth at once (for example, if only one side of your lower jaw has been removed).

The entire arch prosthesis can be used if both sides of your mouth have been lost or partially removed.

Cost of Dentures in Hyderabad

The cost of dentures in Hyderabad depends on the type of denture you require and the lab where your denture is made. You will also be required to pay a consultation fee and material and labor costs.

Dentures made using a metal framework are more expensive than those made using acrylic or plastic frameworks because they require more material and labor costs due to their complexity in construction.

Suppose you prefer natural-looking prosthetic teeth for your new set of dentures. In that case, porcelain veneers can be added at an additional cost between Rs 2 lakhs and Rs 5 lakhs, depending on how many veneers are required.

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