Hair Transplant In Hyderabad: Cost | Causes | Treatment

Overview of Hair Transplant In Hyderabad 

Hair transplant is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in Hyderabad. It is a surgical procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one part of the scalp to another using a technique called follicular unit extraction (FUE).

FUE can be performed either as an outpatient or a day case procedure. The most common areas for hair transplant are the crown area, temples, and back of the head.

A hair transplant is a procedure where a person’s balding scalp is covered with grafts of donor hair follicles. It is a medical treatment that a dermatologist or a surgeon can do.

The goal of the procedure is to replace the hair that has been lost because of a variety of reasons. There are many hair transplants, such as FUE, FUT, strip method, and micro grafting.

Benefits of Hair Transplant Surgery 

Hair transplant surgery can be a great way to improve your hairline’s appearance and restore your hair’s volume. It can also be a great way to correct hair loss due to hair thinning. There are several benefits to having a hair transplant surgery.

Symptoms of the Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem faced by many men. Most men lose their hair as they get older. Sometimes, hair loss can be caused by a medical condition such as thyroid problems. However, hair loss can also be caused by stress, poor diet, or genetics.

Thinning of hair on the top of the head:  If you start to notice that your hair is thinning, this could signify male pattern baldness. This usually begins with a receding hairline and bald patches at the temples.

Bald spots: If you start noticing bald spots on your head, this could signify male pattern baldness. The bald spots will usually become more noticeable as time goes on. This is because they will get bigger and bigger until they cover most of the top of your head.

Excessive hair fall: If you start noticing excessive hair fall on your head, this could signify male pattern baldness. This can happen at any age, but it is more common in older men. The hair will fall out in clumps instead of just one or two strands at a time.

Treatment of Hair Loss 

Hair loss is a common problem that affects men and women alike. It can be caused by several factors, including genetics, hormones, stress, illness, or a combination of these things. The good news is that many effective treatments for hair loss can help you restore your hair to its entire, healthy look.

There are various ways to treat hair loss, including medications, laser treatments, and hair transplants. Laser treatments and hair transplants are a form of plastic surgery involving the transplantation of hair follicles from one part of the scalp to another, which is done to restore the natural appearance of the scalp.

So if you are looking for the best hair transplant or restoration, then nothing better than AIRA clinics, where we have experts in surgery with 10+ years of experience in this field.

Cost of Hair Transplant in Hyderabad

The cost of hair transplants in Hyderabad depends on several conditions like area of hair loss, person’s age, Hair thickness, types of treatment best for the person, and many more. 

So if you are looking for a hair transplant, contact us today. Aira offers you a free consultation call, so what are you waiting for? Call or drop a message now!

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Hair Transplant In Hyderabad

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